


漢譯不如歸 上篇 (一)の二(3)英訳

 The lady also sat with her head bowed, as if she sympathized with the servant. The ring on her right hand, resting on the lid of the fire-box, shone in brilliant lustre.  Presently the old woman looked up.
 “I beg your pardon. I have been talking foolishly. Old age makes me childish. Miss ―― madam, you had so much trouble when a child. It is simply wonderful how you could have lived through it. But everything from now on will be so happy. Your husband is such a tender-hearted man ――“
 At this moment a servant shouted from the stair-way: “The baron has come back.”


ホーム > 和文漢訳資料 > 漢訳不如帰 > (一)の二(3)

ホーム > 和文漢訳資料 > 漢訳不如帰 > (一)の二(3)